Your friends might be the reason you're a loser

Explaining why your social circle has bigger impact on you than you think

You often might hear the saying that your network is your net worth. I personally have a pretty big network of people, mainly because i’ve attended a pretty big amount of schools in my lifetime, and just generally met and got to know a lot of people. I’ve been in multiple friend groups in my lifetime.

This saying is extremely true. Not only in the financial realm, but in other realms aswell.

Do your friends call you out?

I think we all know by now that in order for you to become a better person, you need to make improvements. Improve your income, improve your appearance, improve your lifestyle.

Usually a person stops improving once he gets comfortable. He doesn’t live a bad enough life to be uncomfortable, so he just keeps stagnating.

A reason to feel comfortable might be finding a girl friend, or hanging out with friends who don’t call you out on what you could improve. These people usually don’t want to improve themselves.

This is dangerous. Too much comfort will eat you alive in the long run.

The thing about living in your comfort zone is that it's easy to get complacent. That's dangerous because while you camp out in your “safe space,” the world around you is changing. And eventually, those outside forces can disrupt the “safety” that exists in your comfort zone.

Hang around people who make you better

From my experience, people who were honest to me turned out to be the best friends i’ve had. Friends who called me out on either my lack of commitment, lack of effort, lack of anything which they thought I could improve on.

Winning mentality is contagious. The same way as cowardly staying in the comfort zone. Energy is contagious. Good or bad.

Getting rid of loser friends is the hardest part

I’ve been great friends with people that I later found out they weren’t having any impact on my improvement. I had to cut these people off, which they didn’t really understand. I had to explain them that I don’t agree with their lifestyle, I called them out as a good friend should. If they don’t listen, if they like comfort zone so much, it tells me your not on the same page with me.

Usually as you start to get serious, people won’t find you relatable anymore. Losing friends as you become better and more succesful is inevitable.

Once you decide to get serious, your circle will get smaller. That’s not a bad thing. Energy is contagious, so get yourself around people who are on the same path as you.


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